It's crazy stuff at work. Our owner comes over twice a year from Japan for a company update & 5S audit. 5S is a big deal. In Japanese, its an acronym for seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, & shitsuke. The American-ized translation is sorting, straightening out, shining, standardizing, and sustaining the practice. My first 2 weeks of work consisted of primarily helping prep for this event. Plants & trees were brought in, gold fish added to our conference table fish tank, everything that is white was either cleaned or touched up with paint, displays & signs created for EVERYTHING. It's a big deal! The goal is for every room to intrigue all 5 senses. So its has to look good, smell good, candies are all over so it "tastes" good, music is playing so it sounds good, and it has to have a lot of "hands on" things. All this work for 5 minute tour. Mr. Suzuki's time here is scheduled to the minute, because he is only here for 2 days. It has definitely been fun so far!