Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happy Joy!

So quick post before the storm comes in tonight.  I forgot to share with everyone.  A couple weeks back, I sat down with the HR manager at Enkei.  She gave me my offer for after my 6 month contract is up!!  Woo hoo!!  Guess I'm staying in Bloomington!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

5S audit

It's crazy stuff at work. Our owner comes over twice a year from Japan for a company update & 5S audit. 5S is a big deal. In Japanese, its an acronym for seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, & shitsuke. The American-ized translation is sorting, straightening out, shining, standardizing, and sustaining the practice. My first 2 weeks of work consisted of primarily helping prep for this event. Plants & trees were brought in, gold fish added to our conference table fish tank, everything that is white was either cleaned or touched up with paint, displays & signs created for EVERYTHING. It's a big deal! The goal is for every room to intrigue all 5 senses. So its has to look good, smell good, candies are all over so it "tastes" good, music is playing so it sounds good, and it has to have a lot of "hands on" things. All this work for 5 minute tour. Mr. Suzuki's time here is scheduled to the minute, because he is only here for 2 days. It has definitely been fun so far!

Friday, April 20, 2012

New job

I finish my last week at Shambaugh next Friday, and then get to dive into the automotive world. I'll be working for Enkei as a solid model designer & FE analysis girl. Enginerding at its finest. I'm a lil geeked about it all ready. The whole thing still feels surreal. In 2 weeks, I had made negotiations with the recruiter, been approved for the interview, prepped for the interview, had the interview, received & accepted their offer, signed the contracts & put in my 2 week notice. So crazy! Either they're desperate, or I knocked it out of the park in my interview. Either way, I'm stoked! After 2 years of "living" in Bloomington, I'll actually be LIVING IN BLOOMINGTON!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Knitting project numero dos

This one went a lot quicker than the "engagement scarf" for Adam. This yarn worked perfectly though. It was so big and fluffy, I couldn't bare parting with it. But I did, and its new home is with my sister.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

You've Arrived!

If you're reading this, it means that you've successfully navigated the interwebs and found my new blog address!!!  I'm sorry for the confusion.  But it will make things so much easier for me!!!  Hope to post something interesting (& yummy) soon!